Order Pokemon: Braviary (Holo Parallel Foil) - Black & White Emerging Powers

Order Pokemon: Braviary (Holo Parallel Foil) - Black & White Emerging Powers. Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Just a few more days to SAVE!.

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Pokemon , Pokemon: Braviary (Holo Parallel Foil) - Black & White Emerging Powers. In the Pokemon Trading Card Game, players build decks around their favorite Pokemon and then play against each other, sending their Pokemon into battle to prove who the best Pokemon Trainer is. Players can begin with theme decks - pre-constructed decks designed to cover the basics of the game. Then, they can augment their card collections with booster packs that provide more cards, letting players develop more diverse decks. With thousands of cards to choose from, the game is never the same twice. ...

Here are some of the great features of Pokemon: Braviary (Holo Parallel Foil) - Black & White Emerging Powers

  • This is a Holofoil Rare item.
  • For use with the Pokemon game.
  • You will recieve a Holo Parallel Foil (also known as Reverse Holofoil) version of this item.
  • Part of the Black & White Emerging Powers set.
  • Collector number BWEP-88 .

Pokemon: Braviary (Holo Parallel Foil) - Black & White Emerging Powers
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Order Pokemon: Braviary (Holo Parallel Foil) - Black & White Emerging Powers. Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Just a few more days to SAVE!.