I've deep researched information about 10X POWER 18MM MULTI COLORED:MG-91400. So, I guarantee that here is the cheapest 10X POWER 18MM with special offers you can't miss. That's why most people buy ToolUSA through this page.
10X POWER 18MM MULTI COLORED:MG-91400 is very popular product and also bestseller on amazon website right now!!! And 10X POWER 18MM is high quality products from ToolUSA . Following my long search I determined that at amazon is cheapest and guaranteed shipping as well. Normally ships with 24 hours.
Here are some of the great features of 10X POWER 18MM MULTI COLORED:MG-91400
MG-91400 : Designer's Color Loupe : India: (Jewelers Loupes)
Trendy And Useful, These Delightful Loupes Add A Sparkle To The Daily Business. It Is 10x, 21mm Diameter, And Made Of Brass. Focal Length Is 1". Colors Available: Raspberry, Toffee, Mint Green And Tangerine, All In A "marbled" Pattern In A Hexigonal Shape. Dimension Is About 1 1/4" X 1" X 1" Folded. It Comes With A Brown Leatherette Case.
- Loupe Has 10x Magnification Power
- Convenient And Pocket Sized
- Colors May Vary
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